Wednesday, July 02, 2008

More Than Bread Devotional for 7/2/08

Isaiah 66:1-2
1 This is what the LORD says:
Heaven is My throne,
and earth is My footstool.
What house could you possibly build for Me?
And what place could be My home?
2 My hand made all these things,
and so they all came into being.
[This is] the LORD's declaration.
I will look favorably on this kind of person:
one who is humble, submissive in spirit,
and who trembles at My word.

I have been thinking lately about the human desire to take God's place. It is what started the trouble in the Garden of Eden, and it continued the trouble that man got into at every turn in the Bible and beyond. We have all heard the two great truths: There is a God and I am not Him. Yet, I think we all find ourselves at times trying to do something for God. God isn't looking for people who can accomplish great things. God is looking for people who cherish His great things. People whose hearts mirror His own.

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