Monday, February 04, 2008

More Than Bread
I used to post the devotionals I wrote on this blog back in the days when I filled in for my sister.  I think I am going to start posting more of them here again.  Here is the one for 2/5/08.  It made me think of this blog and my new title for it.

1 Samuel 3:10
The LORD came and stood there, calling as at the other times, "Samuel! Samuel!"
Then Samuel said, "Speak, for your servant is listening."

Have you ever wanted God to just speak to you? I know that I have had times in life I wished God would just show up and say something, anything really. But as I reflected on this today, I had another question for myself. How often do I stop long enough to listen? In the rush and rumble of everyday life, we can quickly drown out what God might have to say to us. If you are in a time in your life right now where you wish God would just say something, try slowing down to listen. Maybe you won't hear an audible voice, but you will hear Him speak.

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